• NYC educational system has 1,866 schools, approximate 260 charter schools, and 9 specialized high schools. Brooklyn has only one specialized school. My goal is to increase the number of specialized schools in our districts and to remedy the inequities of the admission system to these specialized schools

  • New York City public high school graduation rate by Title 1 funding and populated by a high percentage of students from low-income families must be addressed. My goal is to visit these school to determine the needs to help make these schools increase their graduation rate

  • Address the 30,000 asylum seekers and migrant student enrollment in NYC schools to ensure the city school budget addresses the cost for resources needed to address the education requirement of these children. The DOE spent $22 million on initiatives exclusively related to these students in FY 2023, despite not having budgeted for any such costs in that year

  • Work on finding a practical solution in providing free CUNY education for marginalized students in the district and across the city

  • Have a well-funded budget for virtual schooling for marginalized students in our district and across the city


