Creation of truly permanent low-income dignified housing for all working-class New Yorkers. Focused on homeless single moms and households including working New Yorkers living in city shelter
Fight Gentrification and displacement in our district
Re-examine ULURP process to ensure transparency in our community, increase the power/influence of the Community Boards; give community boards a voting options for multiple members of the Planning Commission. Reduce the number of members the NYC Mayor can install; and demand a Racial impact study on all district developments and, expect housing plan uses more than AMI or 80/20 determinants.
Continue fighting with NYS representatives on the growing deed theft and improper use of TPT (Third Party Transfer)
NYCHA: Determine the validity of NYCHA evictions by the Permanent Affordability Commitment (PACT), private mangers, and the failure to implement standard operating procedures
Expedite and improve the NYCHA repair process to better serve residents and enhance their quality of life by assigning high skilled trades for more efficient completion of repairs and establishing Neighborhood Planning Units to make it easier for residents to schedule skilled trades repair Tickets
Decades of insufficient funding and deferred maintenance of New York City's public housing, I will work with the State to commit to obtaining capital investment of $78+ billion for the modernization and long-term sustainability of New York City's public housing
Work with the Department of Housing, Preservation and Development (HPD) and the state Division of Homes and Community Renewal (DHCR) to prevent Mitchell-Lama housing from privatizing
Reforming and strengthening City and State rent regulations to ensure tenants stay in their homes
Work together with the legal aid society and housing attorneys working pro bono to institute tenants’ knowledge on evictions in our district. We will focus on the worst building owners in the district
Work with state and city authorities to ensure Public Housing conditions are improved and fight against privatization of public housing
Encourage and make a pathway for younger citizens first time home buyers, to obtain homeownership. Focused on black, indigenous, and people of color
Include in the city budget, subsidized programs for district constituents to include One-Shot Deal and expedite help for individuals and families find and keep housing in New York City through CityFHEPS
Consult directly with the community via townhall on land use issues
Enact legislation to protect families living in public housing from eviction due to crimes that may be committed by visitors rather than residents
I am calling for reform of the Rent Guideline Board. We have spent too many years under this impractical agency. This agency is instrumental in making many city resident loose their home
I will call for and work with State legislators to expand the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection act of 2019